Back To Earth

“What is your problem?”, he asked me
.I could hardly speak. I wrote a few words on a piece of paper on his table. Then I passed out.
That Sabbath morning, as I descended the stairs from my Bhimavaram flat, I noticed something unusual. But I did not pay much attention and drove alone to Flaiz Adventist College, where I usually worship.

 On most Sabbath, I picked up Mr and Mrs Johnson Choppala from nearby

As usual I had my cameras ready and took the footage of the services. Being very engrossed in my hobby, there was no hint that something unusual would happen.

However, by the time Church service was over, I knew I could not go on any longer.

Quickly Wellingson Meitei Leishangthem and I went to Narsapur Christian Hospital. It was closed. We were wondering where next to go. Willy phoned Mr Sangeeth Luke for another hospital or clinic.
We went to that place and found out that the clinic was for children. We asked the doctor if there was any clinic nearby.

 He directed us to another clinic.

Time was running out for me. We rushed to the doctor’s table, passing all the waiting patients.

That was the time I scribbled those few life- saving words, my own prescriptions!

Slowly I regained consciousness.

A health worker was injection the medicines into my vein on my right hand. Later I was moved to a dingy cell to spend the night.

Willie phoned to the President of Flaiz Adventist College to be with me for the night. Pfosegiio Kuvajei came shortly after

While all this drama was going on Willie was praying for me,

His prayers prevented me from crossing into the promised land

Almost Heaven!


Willingson Meitei Leishangthem 

 Pfoseziio Kuvujei.



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