Dear Dr. Ronnie Gyi, 

thank you once again the interest that you people have taken in Newbold Church Sabbath School.


Now let tell you little bit about my ancestors.

Now, I must inform you one of my relative who studied in Newbold College, my own cousin sister’s son, Mr. Ashley Kongari.


 His grandfather Mr. Prabhusahay Topno, his brother Yakub Topno, my father Nehemiah Topno and one more person from another village I forgot his name, were converted in 1922 by first missionary couple Pr.& Mrs. Burgess


 of SDA church in Ranchi within three days of the Bible studies.

 Interesting story!

and they heard that this missionary is preaching that the Sunday is not real Sabbath day but Saturday is the seventh day Sabbath, therefore they got their Bibles and carried their foods for the day and walked to Ranchi all the way.

The missionary saw the four people coming toward their home and told his wife to prepare a place for them to stay and cook food for them eat.

Thus they welcome them home. After they washed themselves and good exchange of words, they had dinner and after that the Marathon Bible study began.

After three days the first four Munda tribes of India accepted the third angels message. Now, their descendants are found in many countries, like Africa, America. Finland and Australia, doing the missionary work.

Dear Dr. Ronnie Gyi,

what makes you to know about my conversion experience. I don’t have any extra ordinary experience of conversion.

I was born in an Adventist family. We had our regular evening worship, singing few songs and studied the two questions of Sabbath School lesson.

We had our own church service because next church was six miles away.

I went to Lutheran Primary School in the village and after that admitted to SDA School at Khunti.

I studied there up 4th STD. There I was inspired by by our Head Master in our vespers meeting story that I resolved that I’ll be story teller like him.

Then there was only SDA High School at Karmatar and I went there for my fifth STD.

In that year 1946 our Bible teacher Pr. P. D. Kujur, asked me if I want to be baptised, and I replied him, “Yes.” And I was baptised with few other students.

I did not even attend the baptismal class, because I was quite versed with Adhentist Doctrines. I had one determination in student's life, was that I must be always top in the Bible subject in the class and by the grace of God was able to maintain that aim,

So I grew in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and still growing

The Lord selected me to be a missionary to Fiji Indians.

Then my family was able to migrate to Australia and we are Australian citizens

This is the brief history of my conversion and ministry. If you need anything more I am ready to share. Just let me know.


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